Postgraduate Scholarship

Take the next step to reach greater heights. Apply for a Genus Postgraduate Scholarship!

Applying for a full-time GENUS Postgraduate Scholarship is more than just seeking financial support; it’s an invitation to embark on an exhilarating academic journey unlike any other.

We also offer added benefits to our successful applicants:

  • Registration Fees to one local conference per year.
  • Free access to GENUS-hosted public events.
  • Free access to upskilling workshops.
  • Supported participation in national competitions.

This Scholarship and GENUS’s commitment is a gateway to joining a community of scholars dedicated to unearthing the secrets of our planet’s history. Seize this chance to delve into the wonders of the past, push the boundaries of scientific inquiry, and leave your mark on the ever-evolving story of life on Earth. Apply for a GENUS Postgraduate Scholarship, and let your passion for discovery be ignited.


GENUS supports full-time-only Postgraduate Scholarships (Honours, Master’s, and Doctoral) through the DSI-NRF Centres of Excellence in Palaeosciences funding platform.


To apply for a postgraduate scholarship, your university must be one of GENUS’s university or museum partners. Please see FAQs for more information.

Open and Closing Dates

The 2025 NRF Postgraduate Scholarship application is open.

Review your university’s internal closing dates. For more information, check in with your university’s NRF Designated Authority or on the university website. You can also ask your supervisor for more details.

Level of study               Opening dates        Closing dates
Honours                           01 July 2024              22 November 2024
First-time Master’s        23 May 2024             05 July 2024
First-time Doctoral        23 May 2024             05 July 2024

To Apply

  1. The application must be completed using OrCID credentials on the online system NRF Connect. If you are currently registered on the NRF Online Submission System, the system will automatically log in with the ORCID profile.
  2. To ensure that the application comes to GENUS for review, the information below is required:
    • Select the full-time student (we do not support part-time scholarships)
    • Under Funding Opportunity, select CoE: Palaeosciences
    • Under Scholarship applying for, select Scholarship linked to NRF Funded Research
    • Under NRF-funded grant reference, enter 86073 
  3. To help us track your application’s progress, send GENUS a PDF copy of your completed application to

To learn more about creating a successful grant application, click HERE.

Review Process

The NRF distributes applications to GENUS for review. The GENUS review process is as follows:

  1. The GENUS management team will automatically reject incomplete applications if the application doesn’t fall within one of our themes (see FAQs for more information about the research themes we support). Wrong information on applications, such as incorrect grant reference number or not having CoE: Palaeoscience listed on your application, is automatically rejected.
  2. The application goes to two reviewers for scoring. Reviewers may include local and international researchers.
  3. Once each application is scored, it is presented to the review panel, which is made up of the GENUS Executive Committee Members and, at times, external experts. The panel will make the final decision on all applications based on the scores, whether the application falls within the mandates of GENUS and the NRF, and the availability of funds.

Application Outcomes

Outcomes will be announced in the first quarter of the year.

NRF Contact

Ms Malekgotla Finger, Professional Officer, NRF Research Chairs and Centres of Excellence (RCCE).

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for a GENUS Postgraduate Scholarship?

1. To apply, you must have marks 65% or above. 2. Our funding allocations firmly adhere to the funding allocations outlined by the National Research Foundation: 95% of our bursaries are given to South African citizens/permanent residents and 5% to countries outside of South Africa. 3. The Postgraduate Student must be based at one of the GENUS academic or museum partner institutions (see FAQs under Prepare Your Application).

Is there an age limit when applying for a Postgraduate Scholarship?

There is a cut-off age for each degree. Refer to the guidelines on NRF Connect for more details.

How do I apply for a Postgraduate Scholarship?

New applications are submitted online through NRF Connect.

If my application is accepted, does my scholarship come from the NRF?

The funds come from GENUS through the Department of Science and Innovation & National Research Foundation. The bursary is given directly to your host university. Your host university will process your bursary on your behalf.