Precious Chiwara-Maenzanise

PhD Candidate
Dept of Archaeology, University of Cape Town


My research is entitled, Early human social transmission during MIS 5: A perspective from the Kalahari Basin. This research focuses on social transmission in the Kalahari Basin during the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5, dated 130-74 Ka, a key period for understanding the emergence and expansion of modern humans. I am studying and comparing MIS 5 lithic assemblages from multiple sites within the Kalahari Basin, employing and building upon Tostevin’s (2012) cultural transmission approach. The main MIS 5 samples understudy comprise those at Ga-Mohana, Kathu Pan, Wonderwerk, Bundu, Erfkroon, and Florisbad in South Africa, #Gi and White Paintings in Botswana.


Archaeology, Origins of Modern Humans, Stone Age archaeology, Lithic Functional Analysis, Early Human Cultural Transmission

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